Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Something must have gone wrong... Everything's changed!

The Daemons! As we were escaping, they must have sabotaged the portal! How long have we been stuck in the Webway?! ... Everything's changed...

At least that's what it feels like coming back after such a long absence. Greetings once again fellow raiders, it's been a while! 

I slipped off into the shadows pretty much straight after the release of the latest Dark Eldar codex. Not because I didn't like it, in fact I never even really got to the point where I could even give a considered opinion of it. I suppose what I didn't like was the fact that my beloved army of dark assassins were, for the first time since they were originally launched, completely in the limelight! It just didn't suit them...

What first attracted me to the Dark Eldar was their obscurity. It gave them a certain mystique which tied in perfectly with their shadowy character. When you placed your army of skimmers, jetbikes, wyches and warriors on the table your opponent often had no idea what to expect. Just as the troopers of a lone Cadian outpost would be dumbstruck at the sight of a webway portal, crackling open in the dead of night as it's terrifying inhabitants exploded forth as quick as lightening.

Well I guess everyone has their fifteen minutes of fame and no can deny that the most neglected army in 40k needed theirs. But I couldn't help but longingly wait for the hype to settle and the tricks and treats of my favourite army to slink back into darkness.

Well, about a month ago I received an invite from a gaming buddy. One weekend, one 1500pt list, six games. I couldn't resist.

Archon (huskblade, soul trap, combat drugs, shadow field, Haywire grenades, Phantasm G.Launcher)

Haemonculus (Shattershard, Venom blade)

4 Incubi
Raider (Dark Lance, Night Shields)

10 Kabalite Warriors (Sybarite, Blaster, Splinter Cannon)
Raider (Dark Lance, Splinter Racks, Night Shields)

10 Kabalite Warriors (Sybarite, Blaster, Splinter Cannon)
Raider (Dark Lance, Splinter Racks, Night Shields)

10 Kabalite Warriors (Sybarite, Blaster, Splinter Cannon)
Raider (Dark Lance, Splinter Racks, Night Shields)

5 Wyches (Haywire Grenades)
Venom, (Splinter Cannon, Night Shields)

Heavy Support
Ravager (3 x Dark Lance, Night Shields)
Ravager (3 x Disintigrators, Night Shields)
Ravager (3 x Disintigrators, Night Shields)


Happy Raiding!


  1. Nice list, I pretty much felt the exact same after the reboot.
    The idea of people finally knowing the dynamics of DE was weird, and a major draw back. I always loved the look on players faces when they saw the damage wyches or incubi can dole out.
    Not sure how I feel about some of the new stuff, but I know I wont get to play out new DE like I got to with old.

    1. Thanks! I definitely think the new codex is a big improvement. It's so much more versatile and characterful, but as you say there was nothing like watching peoples faces after you set your Incubi on their pride and joy >:D

  2. Your blog was one of the first I went to when the New DE army came out, actually about a month before they came out when I was super psyched.

    I know what you mean about them having 15mins of fame then fading away again... which is fine by me as I prefer them to be the lesser know army as well. I noticed when the blog went unupdated until now and am personally glad to have another DE enthusiast back in the Blog-O-Sphere.

    A rather large group of true DE enthusiasts have gathered over at If you haven't joined already you should, you would be most welcome.

    See you in Commorragh!

  3. Welcome back. I know what you mean, your blog was what got me interested in the Dark Eldar to begin with and then you disappeared!?!?!

    Like yourself I am getting back into playing, and I look forward to more posts form you about your marathon gaming sessions.
